Sunday, March 30, 2008

Expedition Camping Gear Doesn’t Have To Weigh You Down

Long walks in the wilderness require more thinking when packing your equipment and many times expedition camping gear is similar to lightweight equipment in that it has to be able to pack light and small. Carrying a huge heavy load will do no one any good while smaller, lighter loads can usually accommodate everything you might need, regardless of the length of the trip.

Before you pack your expedition camping gear take the time to lay it out and visually inspect every item to make sure it is in good condition, then look at it again to insure that you really need it. There are some who pack books and magazines for the times when they may get bored and all they do with them is bring them home, unopened because when they had time read, it was too dark. Every piece of your expedition camping gear should be scrutinized the same way. If you do not think you will use it, do not take it with you.

Typically, expeditions are considered long hikes and will take their toll on you, and with some lasting two weeks or longer being prepared for most contingencies as well as packing light enough to be comfortable can be a challenge. The idea is not just to pack only light items, but also to pack the items you will need in your expedition camping gear.

Leave Unnecessary Weight Behind

No one ever got tired hiking by leaving items they do not need at home. Before you start replacing everything in your pack with lightweight items, go through your expedition camping gear and take out anything you will not use. If this is your first trip, it can be difficult but if you have been hiking before you know the odds of needing a particular item. If you have not used it the last two times out, you do not need it adding to the weight of your expedition camping gear.

For example, when packing no one considers putting firewood in their pack, knowing they can find that along the trail. While water is necessary, think about if it is easier to carry heavy gallons jugs of water, or water purification tablets. By looking at your expedition camping gear with the same questions, you can separate the nice from the necessary and lighten your load.

It is not always about how much you carry that makes the trip more enjoyable, but rather what is the least amount of expedition camping gear you can take with you and still have everything you need to survive.

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