Sunday, March 30, 2008

Camping Gear: Roughin’ It Never Looked So Comfortable

Camping used to mean roughing it in the great outdoors. It was probably just you, your tent, your sleeping bag and maybe some hotdogs that you roasted over the fire using a long stick. However, times have changed. Today, there are so many variations to the term camping gear that you can literally stock up to make the great outdoors your home away from home. Just walk into a camping store today and you will see camping gear designed for every need. There are, of course, the necessities, such as tents, sleeping bags, and even canteens to hold water. Today, though, there are more pieces of camping gear that make roughing it very easy, such as camping stoves, heaters, air conditioners, televisions, radios, and more. Never before has camping become so...comfortable.

Your Local Camping Store Has What You Need

Just step into your local camping store and you will see the large selection of camping gear available for consumers today. If you wanted, you could stock up and live in the woods for as long as you wanted. Yet some would say that stocking up on all that camping gear takes all the fun out of camping. They would say that camping is about roughing it, about leaving the comfort of home behind to live as our ancestors did—off the land with none of the comforts that we enjoy today. Yet there are still those who want to be comfortable while also camping. These people would say that you can still rough it and be comfortable. Just escaping their everyday hectic lives, they would say, is what camping is all about. The truth is, it’s all up to the camper on how much stuff they want to haul into the great outdoors with them. But how much is too much?

Don’t Bog Yourself Down

When you step into your local camping store and you see all of the camping gear that’s available to you, it’s very easy to stock up on everything you think you need. However, it’s not until you are actually camping that reality tends to set in. It’s not until you are out in the woods that you may realize that you brought entirely too much stuff. Just remember, the more stuff you take, the more stuff you have to carry. While it may seem as though you will need all of that camping gear when you’re in the store, you’ll probably only end up using half of it, or even less. The trick is to carry only the camping gear you think you’ll use.

When it comes to camping gear, there is something out there for everyone. It all depends on the person’s definition of roughing it. However, if you want the true camping experience, only take with you what you’ll use and that means the necessities: Food, water and shelter. After that, any camping gear you take is extra. While you may think you need all that camping gear, just remember that you’re going to have to lug it around everywhere once you get to where you’re going.

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